寺廟源起 > 九二一震災受損復建工程

本院簡稱孔明廟,也是台灣唯一智慧傳承信仰中心,位在日月潭國家風景區重要景點之一,風景優雅, 秀水青山一洞天的神仙境點。受日月潭風管處王尚德處長及縣長彭百顯重視。


本復建工程由管理委員會及顧問到全省各地參觀見習,及聖神指示下完成計劃, 並聘請草屯設計師林煥廷先生設計,由高雄大成寺廟雕刻廠夏江慶先生完成石雕及木雕設計施工, 完成華麗莊嚴雄偉古殿景觀的新廟貌。

啟示玄機院管理委員會全體委員歷屆兼奉神聖意旨,喚醒眾生心向正道化解人禍。渡引明路賜福消災解危, 可循行國泰民安,風調雨順平天下的無上玄機。眾生若奉行神人會筆明示「啟音靈竅理中明、示哲大道顯台疆。」的智慧來發揚學習先賢聖道史跡管理啟示玄機院孔明廟。能通千載留史中明,實現「人傑地靈神仙境,秀水青山一洞天。」台島玄機聖地。使命尚未完成, 眾生賢人君子協助努力,展往開來光明的天下第一軍師,史跡智慧的神仙展現。

The reestablishment project, after the earthquake in Sep, 21st, 1999, for Yuchih township, Qi-Shi Xuan-Ji Temple.
In Sep, 21st 1999 earthquake, the facilities and buildings structures were destroyed seriously, the kitchen and activity center were collapsed, the floors were oblique, the earthquake investigation team of Executive Yuan estimated the temple as a dangerous building, and also the temple was re-established within this period of time.

The temple was named as Conming palace, it is also the only inheritance center for religion in Taiwan, it is located in Sun-Moon Lake national park, as a vital spot to visit, the view was beautiful and quiet, can be regarded as celestial place. The head of the scenery management section of Sun-Moon Lake, Wong-Shang-De, and the head of a county, Peng-Bai-Sian highly value the temple. The environment project was managed to rebuild by each government organization, and the re-establishment of the temple needed to be integrated by national park, also the fund of reconstruction was high. After the approval of temple committee, it took years for installments as contract award. Hopefully it would bring more tourists for Sun-Moon Lake national park.

The re-establishment project was managed by committee and consulter to pay a visit to each spot in Taiwan, and been directed by deities to finish the project. There was a designer Lin-Huan-Ting to complete the project, and Sia-Jiang-Cing finished the stone carving and wooden carving, because of these two projects of stone carving and wooden carving, the significant and solemn palace had been completed.

Qi-Shi Xuan-Ji temple committee were directed by sacred will, the purpose of the sacred will is to awaken people’s heart and move into the right way of solving the problems for man-made disasters. By advising the right way of giving blessings and solving the man-made disasters, this will lead to the peace of this country. People should follow the instructions of the doctrines of the holy spirits, indicates the truth of the right way. The truth of the wisdom will influence people to learn the spirits of those worthy people of former times. The histories indicate the truth of wisdoms, and make people realizes the doctrines: the sacred place for human beings, and beauty of the great mountains and hills. The mission has not yet been finished, every person should help out each other, the greatest chancellor in Chinese history, people will be able to understand the old wisdoms.
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